As part of our CSR activities, the SGM Mombasa staff have been embarking on various projects one of which is beach cleaning. This year, 2019, we held two separate beach cleaning activities, one in June on World Oceans Day and another in September on World Clean-up Day. We usually organise the activities together with the South Coast Beach Management Unit, who are the ones that coordinate for us the necessary equipment and facilities to carry out the exercise.

The activities are sponsored and financed entirely by Sturrock but BMU does the coordination with the respective County government for the pertinent permits and eventual disposal of the collected material. The main purpose of the exercise is to create awareness on the effects of pollution caused by dumping of plastic and other types of waste by the commercial ships as well as common visitors to the beaches.

We managed to collects approximately 250 kgs of plastic waste on those two occasions.

#SGMCares #SGMKenya